Rds Import Bacpac

Have you ever tried to import a BACPAC file into an RDS Microsoft Sql Server instance? Than you might experienced the same issue, that the import process was aborted and the added database was inaccessible. Import Error To understand what causes this issue, we have to understand what a BACPAC is. In the documentation from Microsoft they explain it like this: A BACPAC file is a ZIP file with an extension of BACPAC containing the metadata and data from the database.

How to improve your Workstation setup

Typically, you don’t install your operating system and all the tools too often. However, I had to do that exactly several times in the past two months. The first time is still exciting, because you deal with the new functions and tools. The second time at the latest, the work through the configuration is annoying. With this article I want to show how you can (partially) automate the installation and configuration of your tools and thus achieve a repoducible working environment.